MaxScheduler has scheduled 300,000,000 events
Through our website we claim that our scheduling software has schedule 300,000,000. Where did we get that number?
Our scheduling software started off by being used in Logisitics (warehousing). It would be used in large warehouses, say 1,000,000 sq feet, which used conveyor systems. In these facilities the software was used to plan the shipments for the day. Large warehouse was used to move a great number of goods. Its typical for them to ship 100,000 cases each day. The software was only installed in a handful of places. If you help ship 100,000 boxes each day though, you get to a large number in pretty short time.
If you ran the numbers, it takes a little over 8 years to get to 300,000,000 events. We have one company that has used our scheduler for over 15 years.