Import spreadsheet data |
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MaxScheduler can import scheduling data from another system. Our software doesn't require any specific information to schedule from, the data can be of any type. The import does need to be configured though to match the data your drawing into the program. We have found that many of our customers have their scheduling data in other software such as a spreadsheet. We have added a feature, Configuration | Configure import automatically from file to make it easier to move the data from the spreadsheet into MaxScheduler.
Step 1 This auto-configure option is expecting the incoming data to be in a certain form. The first row has labels for the columns of data. The remaining rows are the data with some of the fields filled in with real values. There can be empty cells, MaxScheduler will just treat them as empty. Here is a sample of the form:
Step 2 In the spreadsheet program, save your data file in form called .CSV. CSV stands for Comma Separated Values. This is really a text file with the data separated by commas and into rows. This can usually be done through File | Save As. There is an option called 'Save As Type', select 'CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)' from the drop menu. Here is the Save As dialog from Excel:
Step 3 Open up MaxScheduler and select the option Configuration | Configure import automatically from file. Select the prepared CSV file. The auto configuration will use the column labels to do import configuration. The first row of the import file will be removed because this contains labels, not real data. Your spreadsheet data should appear in the List view at the bottom of the screening for you to start scheduling: